Thursday, November 24, 2016

chemical pregnancy

chemical pregnancy 

A chemical pregnancy  happens when a sperm fertilizes the egg, but the fertilized egg does not develop / survive and there is a sudden loss of the foetus and there is a very early miscarriage  usually before five weeks. The fertilized egg / implantation might lead to changes in hormonal levels and give positive pregnancy tests ( especially on first response early result or  FRER tests or hcg tests either urine or blood hcg test ) which later on becomes negative (as the hcg levels start to decrease ) , when the miscarriage happens / next period sets in  ( There might rarely even be some pregnancy symptoms like sore sore breasts initially ). ( implantation bleeding / light spotting  usually happens around a week before the usual time of  the next period ). The woman might not even be aware of the chemical pregnancy if she was not taking pregnancy tests ( or actively trying to conceive / ttc ), and might just consider the next period as her normal period ( or slightly delayed period which may be slightly heavier than the usual period and may contain clots /somewhat dark brown blood and there might be more cramping than usual ). This is called a chemical pregnancy because the pregnancy can usually only be detected by chemical means and cannot be seen on a sonogram or ultrasound.  Note that a clinical pregnancy is a pregnancy which has developed to a stage where it can be seen on an ultrasound or sonogram test.

Chemical pregnancy and miscarriage may be due to hormonal problems , problems in the uterus , or problems with chromosomes in the embryo / foetus or problems with the egg especially in older females or problems with the quality of the sperm or rejection of the fertilized egg by the mother's body due to immunity problems . Women doing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) are more likely to be aware of their chemical pregnancies  because of more earlier and regular pregnancy testing. If the woman is aware of the chemical pregnancy , she is likely to have a lot of heartache /sense of loss especially if it is the first pregnancy for her. In some rare cases, the woman might think that she herself was responsible for the chemical  pregnancy/ early miscarriage.  Sometimes counselling is recommended to cope with the heartache and sense of loss to lessen the stress.

Chemical pregnancy is thought to be very common for first pregnancies and some women have successful pregnancies soon after having a chemical pregnancy. But it is better to consult a medical professional if there are many repeated chemical pregnancies.

Some women are concerned about the date of  the next ovulation after the chemical pregnancy and if a chemical pregnancy should count as a miscarriage with respect to  further efforts with ttc . Most women who have experienced one chemical pregnancy will be very worried about if the chemical pregnancy will happen again.

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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