Tuesday, October 25, 2016

just some info on knives

Have you looked at the knife and meat cleavers used by your butcher. Butcher's knives have more or less the shape of a machete. They have a circular hole at the top near its top. This is usually used for hanging the knife from a hook when the butcher's knife is not in use. It is hung from the knife because a knife is usually only taken down using it's handle and not by the blade. Also a hung knife might not hit anything and lose its sharpness. Smaller knives are placed on a magnetic knife strip on the wall . But a knife used by a butcher cannot be hung from a magnetic knife strip because it is usually much more heavy.

Some butchers sometimes use a rope through the hole as a fulcrum when they want to cut through a thick piece or bone.

Similarly have you seen the knife used by chefs . They sometimes have small holes or uneven sides or serrations. This is to prevent food from sticking to the knife when being used by the chefs.

Some of the knives used in your house may have a triangular piece cut out from the front so that it can also be used as a fork to take a stab at the piece of bread or meat that has just been cut by you.

It is not good to put knives in the dishwasher ( you probably already knew that ! ) It is better to dry up the knives before storing the knives. Here are some of the common storage options for knives.

Be very careful when choosing a magnetic knife strip for you wall. If the magnet is weak, heavier knives might fall off and cause injury. If the magnet is too strong, you might end up damaging the sharp edge of the knife when attaching or detaching the knife from the magnetic knife strip.

You could also store the knives in a knife  holder inside a drawer with suitable storage slots for knives of different sizes, but you might find it difficult finding a holder if you have a larger collection of knives of various shapes and sizes or you could use a counter top knife storage block or under cabinet knife storage block or a stainless steel knife rack if you have the space for that on your counter or on your kitchen wall.

There are different types of knives for different uses.
The tang or the shank of a knife is the portion at the back of the knife which extends into the handle of the knife.
A full tang knife will go the whole length of the handle,  while a partial tang knife will not.

On a lighter vein,there are many superstitions or myths about knives like,  if you want to give a knife as a gift to someone, there are many people who would consider a knife as a gift item to be an item of bad luck and would sever the friendship/relationship. So the friend will usually give you  a small token payment in return for the knife to work around this superstition. Some people also use the saying, stir with a knife and stir up strife in relation to stirring soup or beverages with a knife. Some people talk about  superstitions  about gurkhas that their long  knife (kukri) drawn out of its sheath should not be put back before the knife has drawn blood.

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