Friday, December 23, 2016

dangerous food to avoid for pregnant women

dangerous food to avoid for pregnant women

Most women know that some food items are dangerous during pregnancy. A very simple example is raw papaya . Papaya is usually eaten by  some women and girls to have a easier menstruation period / increase menstrual flow. But the same papaya consumed during pregnancy ( especially the beginning of the first trimester )  is considered to be dangerous, since consumption of raw papaya might be linked  with uterine contractions (the latex in unripe papaya might contain chemicals which might induce uterine contractions / labor symptoms ). Some medical professionals also ask pregnant women to avoid eating grapes and raisins due to resveratrol in grapes during pregnancy (especially the third trimester) . Some women also avoid pineapple, sesame seeds when they are pregnant. Egg plant or brinjal is another such vegetable which is avoided by some pregnant women. Licorice is also avoided by some pregnant women ( because of a possibility of premature birth ).

There are some other food items that are best to avoid during pregnancy. There is a very high risk of contamination of raw meat and undercooked meat by salmonella and some other types of bacteria. So it is best to avoid consuming raw meat, raw seafood and undercooked meat, undercooked poultry, rare steaks etc ,and in general food  that is undercooked when pregnant. Overall, it is best to eat meat that is properly cooked and it is best to consume the cooked meat when it is hot.

Similarly with eggs, it is best for pregnant women to avoid half boiled eggs , undercooked eggs , and stick to  eating properly cooked hard boiled eggs where both the yellow and white are firm/solid. Note that some of the home made toppings of cakes / pastries and some salad dressings might contain uncooked or partially cooked egg . Tasting raw dough used for cookies might also be dangerous since the cookie dough may contain raw eggs.

The main problem with undercooked / raw meat is the risk of toxoplasmosis (infection by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii ) Toxoplasmosis is not usually  risky for adults with strong immune systems. But toxoplasmosis carries a high risk for pregnant women since toxoplasmosis may cause miscarriage, or it may directly infect the unborn child.

Liver has high amounts of vitamin A and is usually not recommended for consumption by pregnant women.

 Some sea fish ( like shark and swordfish / larger fish with a longer lifetime to accumulate mercury ) have a higher chance to contain traces of mercury, and mercury might cause ill effects to the baby ( mercury poisoning is related to problems of brain ) in the womb of the  pregnant woman. So it is best for pregnant women to avoid those sea fish which might be tainted with mercury. Sushi is also considered to be bad for pregnant women, because of the likely presence of raw or improperly cooked fish.

It is better for pregnant women to avoid soft cheese and cheese from unpasteurized sources.  Soft cheese might contain higher levels of moisture which might be helpful for the  growth of harmful bacteria in soft cheese.

High doses of caffeine ( found in coffee, cola etc ) is not good for pregnant women, since very high doses of caffeine might be linked to miscarriages. So it is good for pregnant women to limit the quantity of coffee and other beverages which might contain caffeine.

It is better to avoid alcohol completely in pregnancy. Alcohol is known to pass into the baby's  body in the womb from the blood of the mother and the body of the small baby cannot handle the alcohol. There are many birth defects which might happen because of regular consumption of alcohol by pregnant women. Such defects are usually given the name fetal alcohol syndrome.. ( you can read more about fetal alcohol syndrome here.  )

testing for pregnancy     )

( chemical pregnancy )

( trying to concieve ttc ) (  stress-of-ttc-or-stress-of-trying-to conceive ) ( fetal alcohol spectrum disorders ( fasd ) )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women) (  some more symptoms of the first trimester )

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Expenses involved in pregnancy and childbirth

Expenses involved in pregnancy and childbirth

Many of the couples who are ttc ( trying to conceive ) will also be wondering about how much does it cost to have a baby.
Child birth in USA is supposed to cost more than child birth in other countries . In countries like USA, people use insurance very extensively. Even with a good insurance coverage, there will be many other expenses for which you may have to pay out of your own pocket ( like basic blood tests, so called diagnostic tests , optional birthing classes and for technicians to read / interpret the ultrasounds etc even if the ultrasounds might be covered by your insurance and other so called out of network professionals, birthing tub, room rent for private room in the hospital and extra room rent for the baby after childbirth , baby-blanket , formula for the baby after birth in the hospital if the baby is not being breast fed , so called maternal supplies, TV  ) . Sometimes, as soon as the child is born, the new born baby is treated as  a new separate patient for billing purposes.

Couples are therefore very worried about how much the pregnancy might cost even with insurance coverage and about the costs of prenatal and postnatal visits to the doctor if they are not covered by insurance .Sometimes  your current health insurance ( even so called family insurance ) might not cover maternity care / pregnancy. Even if your current health insurance pays for maternity care/ pregnancy, the insurers are likely to pay for only the bare minimum. It is better to read through the insurance documents and  discuss with your insurance provider about exactly what they will and will not cover.  Usually the pregnancy costs are split into separate bills for item by item ( itemized ). These bills / receipts will come one by one in the weeks and even months after child birth. A higher percentage of women in USA are giving birth via c-section when compared to other developed countries. There is a big difference in the amount required for uncomplicated vaginal births versus births via c - section. There is also difference in the money paid out of their pockets by women who have to go to a hospital and those who opt for a birth center  and there is also a huge difference between insurance providers. Usually a woman without insurance might be eligible for medicaid for pregnancy expenses if she is below the poverty line. But they will have to search for a doctor who accepts payment from medicaid .

In other developed countries maternity / pregnancy care will usually be cheaper and available to all pregnant women for a negligible fee . In some countries even the scans after the 13th week or 20th week may be free / borne by the government. But sometimes, the waiting line might be long for non emergency medical care in government funded public hospitals. In some countries, some money is given to the new mothers to help with the initial child care supplies. In  most European countries, midwives are used extensively in maternity / pregnancy care both during pregnancy, labour, childbirth and in the post partum period for lower risk pregnancies. Midwives are usually classified as out of network providers by insurance companies in the US.

In  general, the older the mother, the more prenatal tests that are likely to be done on her. Some doctors even go for ultrasounds every other week. Therefore the expenses are likely to increase with the age of the mother and some of the tests might not be covered by the insurance provider.
The insurance expense is also likely to increase after the birth of the child. After childbirth, the parents will have to buy items for the baby, Usually, the crib and baby mattress, baby seats for the car, stroller, baby carrier should be new. Diapers, baby wipes are going to be expensive. Cloth diapers are likely to be better from a environmental  as well as economic point of view when compared to disposables. Diaper sizes also change from month to month. Trying to potty train the baby as early as possible is useful. Planning and waiting for sales and buying some items in bulk at events will help in cutting down on expenses . Babies  outgrow clothes and some toys very quickly. Buying brand new clothes for the baby all the time is likely to be very expensive. Hand me downs are useful in reducing some of the expenses for baby clothes.

In general breastfed babies are likely to get antibodies via the breast milk which is helpful for the babies to increase their immunity to various infections and is also likely to reduce the risk of allergies.Breastfeeding is also helpful in developing the bond between the mother and child. But many women will not be able to breastfeed their children, some babies will not be able to latch on to the nipples properly. Lactation consultants might be useful.Some women will have to give up breastfeeding within one or two months.  Some mothers will opt for formula for their babies especially, if they are working mothers . Formula milk which is synthetic and the accompanying feeding bottles ( which have to be sterilized regularly ) is also more expensive. Formula milk which might advertise themselves as containing all required nutrients for the baby, might sometimes lead to indigestion problems.

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

some more symptoms of the first trimester

some more symptoms of the first trimester

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

In some pregnant women, there will be a ravenous hunger upto the 8th or 9th week of pregnancy and suddenly there might be a feeling of fulness even after eating only a small quantity of food in the first trimester itself. So the medical practitioner might recommend eating smaller portions of food more frequently. The feeling of nausea combined with feeling hungry is one of the worst feeling during the first trimester. Some pregnant women have a craving for protein rich foods like egg, meat etc during the first trimester while some other pregnant women might feel a strong aversion to meat in the first trimester. The craving for red meat might also be an indication of deficiency of iron.

Orgasms even without actual penetration in the first trimester (around 8 to 11 weeks) might cause a little bit of spotting (light brown or red blood ) and penetration might cause some bleeding from the cervix. If there is heavy bleeding with pain, it is better to consult the doctor.

Some pregnant women are likely to have anxiety attacks in the first trimester ( from around the fifth week ) and might feel that they are going crazy. Some of the pregnant ladies will worry if they are pregnant at all in spite of the BFP and might worry that they are not getting any of the first trimester pregnancy symptoms ( or that the pregnancy symptoms are weak / not strong ) they have read about on the internet or heard about from their friends. Some of the pregnant women will be very worried about the health of their baby as well. Trying to get more hours of undisturbed sleep might be useful in reducing the anxiety. Moderate amounts of exercise might also be useful to reduce anxiety.

Moderate amounts of exercise is good for pregnant ladies as long as the pregnant woman was comfortable with the exercise before she became pregnant. But be careful to avoid higher amounts of heat buildup especially in the first trimester.It is better to consult the medical practitioner about the exercise if the pregnant lady is not sure of the risks of the exercise or if there is a history of miscarriages or if the pregnancy is higher risk ( with medical complications ) . It is best to avoid exercises in the supine position (lying on the back ) ( especially after the first trimester ). Some of the likely benefits of moderate exercise might be felt during labour and  childbirth. Other benefits may be reduction in constipation , improved sleeping, higher energy levels, reduction of depression etc.

GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease ) symptoms include a burning sensation in the chest / throat region ( called heartburn ). Slower digestion during pregnancy combined with the valve / muscle connecting the esophagus and stomach being affected by pregnancy hormones ( like progesterone ) leading to acids leaking from the stomach which give the burning feeling called heartburn. Eating smaller meals more number of times might be helpful in reducing heartburn.

Because of the increased blood supply during pregnancy and effects of hormones, some pregnant women are likely to experience nose bleeds and also bleeding from the gums . Some pregnant women are likely to feel mild dizziness / fainting during the first trimester because sometimes the pregnancy hormones cause low blood pressure leading to lesser blood flow to the brain.

Brief cramps similar to menstrual cramps might be felt by some pregnant women around the seventh week of pregnancy. Some pregnant women might experience sudden increase in the cup sizes of their bra ( around 3 to 5 cup sizes more in as many weeks  from around the fifth week ) due to increase in the size of their breasts  in the first trimester. Tenderness in the breasts is also felt during the first trimester.

Avoiding coffee in the afternoons and not using sugary foods at night combined with a warm shower before going to bed might be helpful for getting more sleep at night.

Women suffering from allergies have to be extra careful during pregnancy. They will worry if their allergy medicines can be used when they are pregnant, It is better to consult the medical practitioner about the use of oral decongestants and some of the medicines which contain a mixture of decongestants and antihistamine. Some of them have been associated with birth defects.

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

testing for pregnancy     )

( chemical pregnancy )

( trying to concieve ttc ) (  stress-of-ttc-or-stress-of-trying-to conceive ) ( fetal alcohol spectrum disorders ( fasd ) )

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

alcoholism in pregnant women / fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

Around a year back there were articles about how Alaska was funding a programme for using wall dispensers for  distributing free pregnancy tests in places like taverns where people go to consume alcoholic drinks and also a public awareness program about the dangers of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) . This was being done at a time when there was a huge problem with a shortfall in the Alaskan budget. That was because results of testing in Alaska was still showing  a higher than average rate of people suffering from problems with  fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).

 This was in spite of a huge reduction ( of around  thirty to fifty percent ) in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) incidences in Alaska  because of increased public awareness programmes for the last 25 or so years where stores selling liquor were asked to put up information on the dangers of prenatal exposure to alcohol and other public service announcements on TV about the dangers of prenatal exposure to alcohol, door to door campaigns for spreading of infromation on the dangers of prenatal exposure to alcohol . Screening and counselling / sharing information of dangers of prenatal exposure to alcohol with expecting women ( who might be alcoholic) and hopefully their partners  during the initial period of pregnancy was found to be useful in reducing  the alcohol consumption in at least a small group of the women. Talks on the dangers of FASD were given in high schools. Efforts were made to test children in order to  screen those with FAS. Alaska also had a large portion of federal funds for this program.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is a term used for a group of conditions that may occur to a baby / foetus due to its exposure ( prenatal exposure ) to alcohol in its mother's womb due to the mother consuming high levels of alcohol during her pregnancy (or even before the woman realizes that she is pregnant ) and usually if the mother is a habitual alcoholic , mainly because the liven in the foetus cannot  handle / eliminate the alcohol completely like that in the adult mother's body. This is because part of the alcohol the mother consumes during pregnancy will also enter the blood stream of the baby / foetus in her womb from the mothers blood stream, and might affect the cells of the growing child . These might lead to changes and damage in the cells of the brain ( changes in the structure of the brain ) and central nervous system including the  spinal cord . Some of the common symptoms of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are problems with speech and co ordination, problems with low IQ, cognitive defects/ disabilities, problems with memory / damage to the brain , prombems of the liver, smaller body size / smaller head size and  lower body weight at birth, thin upper lip , smaller width of the eye ,some facial deformities / malformation . This is just a spectrum of some of the possible effects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), so the severity and presence of the various symptoms will vary from person to person affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) .

It is very difficult to correlate the time and quantity of alcohol consumption by the mother during the different times of the period of pregnancy with the type and quantity of problems that the baby in the womb might face ( there is no definite window of risk ). But it is generally felt that excess alcohol consumption during the end of the first trimester of pregnancy is likely to cause the worst problems for the foetus in the womb. In the first trimester excess alcoholism might lead to facial / physical deformities cognitive problems for the baby ( especially in the second half of the first trimester ), while in the second  trimester alcoholism may affect the neurons and the brain cells and in the third semester alcoholism may damage the portions of the brain related to memory  and also reduce the fetal growth . So it is better for pregnant mothers and those women who are trying to concieve ( ttc ) to abstain from alcohol consumption during the whole period of pregnancy or even in the period where the woman is trying to conceive ( ttc ) ( trying to become pregnant ).

The main problem with FAS is the high likelihood of the defects to be permanent.People affected by Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are likely to face a lot of physical, learning difficulties, behavioural problems with other people , difficulties in finding jobs  throughout their life. Early diagnosis is useful to help children affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) to help them cope with studies in school and could help them live a happier life.

Only some of the diagnostic teams in Alaska funded by the federal funds did a lot of stellar screening work. But the diagnostic effects are slowing down with the slow reduction in federal funds. There is also a lack of help for individuals with FAS even after they receive the diagnosis of FAS usually because of the high cost associated with such services. The training process for the service providers to help those persons diagnosed with FAS is very intensive and there is a urgent need for dedicated people.

testing for pregnancy     )

( chemical pregnancy )

( trying to concieve ttc ) (  stress-of-ttc-or-stress-of-trying-to conceive )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Monday, November 28, 2016

stress of ttc or stress of trying to conceive

stress of ttc or stress of trying to conceive

In almost all cultures across the world, there is a urge / craving at some stage in almost all adult women (maternal urge ) (and even in some adult men ) to become a parent, to  pass their genes to the next generation. In some women it might be a feeling that the biological clock is ticking louder and louder and the feeling that she is growing older and less fertile with each passing day, while in some cultures it might be pressure from peers, close relatives etc. In developed nations, the husband and wife or male-female partners might want to wait till they have some kind of financial stability before trying to get pregnant. Even then some people will be worried and wonder if they will make good parents and worry about the financial implications of having a child. Some people will realise the seriousness of their decision to have a child and the hard work associated with raising a new born child to adulthood and that it is basically a one way lane into the unknown with surprising twists and turns, with not much chance of going back to the original state.

Once the partners take the decision to have a child / get pregnant, some decide to just go the way of not trying not preventing ( ntnp ) for some months before starting to actively ttc if ntnp is unsuccessful , while some women will just get into actively ttc ( trying to concieve ) with fertility awareness methods, temping, charting, opk(ovulation prediction kits) etc from the beginning. The number of friends / relatives you have told that you were ttc, exponentially raises  quantity  of free advice you are going to receive about relaxation, various positions which worked for them, raising the legs/hips after the act, putting a pillow under the hips / bum but not raise it too high to prevent semen from pooling behind the cervix  during the period of ttc ,peeing before the act and lying horizontal for at least 20 minutes after the act before going to the loo for a wee etc. especially if you have been ttc for more than half a year.

Temping and charting each day, waiting for the spike in bbt and using opks to try and find the most fertile period and trying to schedule your intimate relationship around that time, trying not to have intercourse (abstaining) for one or two days before the fertile period begins so as not improve the quality / quantity of sperm , will all lead to a loss of the feeling of spontaneity and might slowly reduce the romantic feeling / feeling of closeness between the partners in the relation with your spouse / partner and will slowly start to put stress on the marital relationship. The letter O will start to mean ovulation instead of orgasm. The male partner might feel that the purpose of intercourse is only for the female partner to get his sperm.

In active ttc, especially if the woman is not pregnant even after three or four cycles, her life will seem to be revolving around the predicted ovulation date ( the ovulation predictor kit opk is a early indicator of ovulation while the bbt temperature chart will spike after ovulation). This is used to study the length of the luteal phase ( LP ) ( the time period between ovulation and the next period ) . The temping and charting might start to become more and more  obsessive / compulsive with thoughts about if a baseline is forming or not from around day 8, and then over analyzing each and every dip and rise in temperature, wondering if the crosshairs will form or not, and if she has already ovulated or not. She will spend a lot of time reading up on every symptom she thinks she is having.  She might take multivitamins and folic acid supplements and try to drink enough water to try and be hydrated. There will be a lot of stress around the ovulation day and even more stress during the two week wait when you can test for pregnancy with home pregnancy tests ( hpt ). She might do more temping and wonder if implantation has taken place or not by looking at the spikes and fall in temperature on the chart.

After the two week wait ( tww ), and sometimes even earlier, she will start testing with home pregnancy tests ( hpt ) hoping to get a BFP ( big  fat positive ).During the two week wait she might be wondering if each small ache is a symptom of pregnancy / implantation. During the two week wait, some women will start to regret their not coming off birth control earlier and  having putting off trying to conceive ( ttc )  for a long time especially if the woman is in her early thirties .

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

chemical pregnancy

chemical pregnancy 

A chemical pregnancy  happens when a sperm fertilizes the egg, but the fertilized egg does not develop / survive and there is a sudden loss of the foetus and there is a very early miscarriage  usually before five weeks. The fertilized egg / implantation might lead to changes in hormonal levels and give positive pregnancy tests ( especially on first response early result or  FRER tests or hcg tests either urine or blood hcg test ) which later on becomes negative (as the hcg levels start to decrease ) , when the miscarriage happens / next period sets in  ( There might rarely even be some pregnancy symptoms like sore sore breasts initially ). ( implantation bleeding / light spotting  usually happens around a week before the usual time of  the next period ). The woman might not even be aware of the chemical pregnancy if she was not taking pregnancy tests ( or actively trying to conceive / ttc ), and might just consider the next period as her normal period ( or slightly delayed period which may be slightly heavier than the usual period and may contain clots /somewhat dark brown blood and there might be more cramping than usual ). This is called a chemical pregnancy because the pregnancy can usually only be detected by chemical means and cannot be seen on a sonogram or ultrasound.  Note that a clinical pregnancy is a pregnancy which has developed to a stage where it can be seen on an ultrasound or sonogram test.

Chemical pregnancy and miscarriage may be due to hormonal problems , problems in the uterus , or problems with chromosomes in the embryo / foetus or problems with the egg especially in older females or problems with the quality of the sperm or rejection of the fertilized egg by the mother's body due to immunity problems . Women doing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) are more likely to be aware of their chemical pregnancies  because of more earlier and regular pregnancy testing. If the woman is aware of the chemical pregnancy , she is likely to have a lot of heartache /sense of loss especially if it is the first pregnancy for her. In some rare cases, the woman might think that she herself was responsible for the chemical  pregnancy/ early miscarriage.  Sometimes counselling is recommended to cope with the heartache and sense of loss to lessen the stress.

Chemical pregnancy is thought to be very common for first pregnancies and some women have successful pregnancies soon after having a chemical pregnancy. But it is better to consult a medical professional if there are many repeated chemical pregnancies.

Some women are concerned about the date of  the next ovulation after the chemical pregnancy and if a chemical pregnancy should count as a miscarriage with respect to  further efforts with ttc . Most women who have experienced one chemical pregnancy will be very worried about if the chemical pregnancy will happen again.

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

second trimester symptoms in pregnant women

second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women

The second trimester or pregnancy is from the 13th or 14th week to the 27th or 28th week . The second period is also called the honeymoon period of pregnancy. During the second trimester, some of the major annoyances and emotional rollercoaster of the first trimester are likely to dimnish in most pregnant women.

Most pregnant women often wonder how soon they can feel the quickening ( movement of the baby or foetal movements in the uterus ). The first movements of the baby / foetus ( usually called quickening)  in the uterus  is usually felt by the pregnant mother in the second trimester ( usually between the 15th and 20th week of pregnancy or even as late as the 25th week ) . The movement of the baby is usually felt like fluttering  of butterflies or muscle twitches or tapping  by the mother. It is one of the biggest milestones / best feeling for the pregnant mother especially if it is her first pregnancy. The movements will later become more frequent and more forceful and could be felt as pokes, kicks etc from the inside by the baby.

Some women start to feel aches in the abdominal region in the second trimester due to the expansion in size of the uterus region. Some pregnant women feel breathlessness in the second trimester. This might be due to increase in progresterone hormone which might make the brain to tell the lungs to take deep breaths to get more air required for the growing baby in the uterus. Breathlessness might be common in most pregnant women, but anaemia is also a cause of breathlessness and tiredness for some pregnant women.

There is a huge increase in the levels of estrogen in pregnant women during the second trimester from the placenta which increases the blood flow in the vaginal region and give a bluish tinge to the labia, cervix and vaginal region ( called Chadwick's sign, an early sign of pregnancy ) . There is also increase in the secretions in the vagina and higher levels of oxytocin . All of this will lead to higher levels of libido / turned on feeling and arousal for the pregnant woman.

The increase in hormones like estrogen during pregnancy alter the normal hormonal balance in the vagina and there might be increase of glycogen levels leading to yeast infections in the vagina during the second trimester. These yeast infections might lead to symptoms like itching in the vaginal region and thick white discharges ( sometimes with smell like bread yeast ).

The waistline of the pregnant woman will begin to show visible bumps in the second trimester and she might have to start wearing bigger size clothes.  Usually a pregnant woman gains between 25 to 30 pounds  (around 11 kg ) during pregnancy. But the weight gain is not in a uniform manner throughout the pregnancy. Most of the weight is gained during the second trimester (some of it might be because of  the increase of water levels ).

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

some first trimester problems of pregnant women

some first trimester problems of pregnant women

Weeks 1 to 12 are sometimes called the first trimester of pregnancy. In the first trimester ,especially around the 7th week, the pregnant woman might sometimes feel very tired and fatigued / exhausted and think that she is sleeping / napping a lot more than usual (sometimes around 13 to 14 hours out of 24 ). Sometimes the pregnant woman might even feel guilty / surprised / worried / miserable at being lazy. Sometimes you will have around two or three hours of moderately high energy levels before you feel tired and want to take a nap. The body will be trying to cope with the pregnancy and a lot of energy will be consumed for the new growing foetus / baby and might be the cause of increased fatigue, exhaustion in the first trimester .Also some of the increase in hormones like progesterone might cause drowsiness and sleepines.

Also a very common feature of first trimester is morning sickness ( nausea / vomiting ) This usually starts around the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy. This morning sickness ( nausea / vomiting ) might be due to the reaction of the body to increased levels of hcg hormone (  human chorionic gonadotropin ) needed for maintaing /supporting the pregnancy / growth of the baby /foetus , but there does not seem to be any conclusive proof of the relation between hcg and morning sickness . ( beta hcg tests are used to detect implantation especially after ivf )  . Some pregnant women might have a heightened sense of smell in the first trimester which might also be a trigger for the morning sickness/  nausea.

Many pregnant woman also find a strong craving for certain unusual types of foods and very strong aversion to some other types of food. Food cravings and food aversions are common among pregnant women especially during the first trimester due to the increase of hormones in the bloodstream of the pregnant woman . There is even a very old cliche in some of the old films about how pregnant woman crave for pickles/ salt and sour unripe mangoes, tamarind . Some pregnant women also crave for ice cubes. Such craving for non food / non nutritive items is called pica (magpie in latin because magpies usually eat anything ) . The craving for ice  might sometimes be related to iron deficiency / anaemia.

Headaches can sometimes be triggered in pregnant women usually during the first trimester. This might be due to some of the increase in hormones during pregnancy . Some women feel a lot of bloating / farting / gas in the first trimester due to slower digestion due to relaxation of the stomach muscles by the effect of some of the increase in hormones like progesterone.

Some pregnant women notice a lot of mood swings and crying spells  ( without even knowing why they are crying  ) in the first trimester due to the surging hormonal levels in the first trimester.

Some pregnant women have oily / greasy hair / skin during the first trimester as the result of the increase of hormones like progesterone might induce the glands to produce an oily greasy substance called sebum. Increase / surge of hormones in the first trimester might also lead to increase in acne due to increase in oil production.

Sometimes pregnant women might notice an increase in urination and might notice a little bit of leaking of pee when they cough / sneeze or are under some stress or when they puke. Some of the pregnant women have a lot of appetite but might find that they are not gaining proportional weight, and sometimes lose some weight. They might also find themselves feeling constantly thirsty (a sort of unquenchable thirst ) .

The boobs / breasts will start to grow bigger along with puffy nipples. For the bigger breasts, the pregnant women will have to start searching for bigger bras that fit. They will usually find that the larger bras are more expensive. They will also find that they have to spend more money for the larger bras which might be used only for a few months at the most.

In the US there are usually, infant safety classes with CPR and first aid, breast feeding classes , care for newborn children, ( around 25$ to 50 $ ) labour and delivery tour ( L & D tour ), childbirth classes. The child birth classes seem to be expensive.

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) (  some more symptoms of the first trimester )

testing for pregnancy     )

( chemical pregnancy )

( trying to concieve ttc ) (  stress-of-ttc-or-stress-of-trying-to conceive ) ( fetal alcohol spectrum disorders ( fasd ) )

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )
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Monday, November 21, 2016

Anxiety in pregnant women

First prenatal appointment and anxiety in pregnant women

Women usually wonder when to have the first prenatal appointment with their doctor and what kind of doctor to see for the first prenatal appointment and to monitor the pregnant women during their pregnancy .  Some women consult their obgyns ( obstetrician / gynecologist ). Some women will consult a midwife. Some family doctors may also monitor the health of the pregnant woman. The first meeting with the medical practitioner will be usually around 8 weeks after the LMP ( last menstrual period ). The woman  may have to schedule the appointment with the medical practitioner as soon as she knows that she is pregnant using a home pregnancy test ( HPT , missing of period along with swollen tender breasts ) ( or whatever other method she used ).

Then the woman will wonder what actually happens during the first prenatal appointment and if it would be good to bring her husband / fiancee or partner with her for the first prenatal appointment which will also usually be long. They will wonder if the husband / partner might miss something in the first prenatal exam or just might have to sit in boredom in the doctors waiting room. In some hospitals the male partner will not be allowed in when  personal questions are asked to the pregnant woman. But in some hospitals, questions are asked about the health history of  both the female and male side of the family and the husband / male partner might be helpful to answer some of the questions. If it is a first time pregnancy , both the pregnant woman and her husband / male partner might have questions to ask of the doctor also. It is better to make a list of your questions / concerns.

In the first prenatal examination by the doctor , some will confirm the pregnancy  with a blood test, there might be a physical exam, pelvic exam ,some blood tests, urine test , blood pressure test, height, weight etc. Some doctors might do an ultrasound during the first appointment in order to check on the foetus, its position, its heartbeat and also to date the pregnancy and give an expected due date of childbirth .(or the ultrasound will be outsourced at some other lab and might not be done in the doctor's office ) Some might do the ultrasound at 12 weeks. Most women usually would like their husband to be with them for the first ultrasound / sonogram of their baby. It will be easier for the pregnant woman to try to schedule their doctor's visits around their husband's schedule also if that is possible . The doctor will also set up the schedule for the next series of visits ( usually once a month upto 4 months, then once in two weeks upto the 36th week of pregnancy and then weekly upto childbirth ).

The first prenatal visit might sometimes trigger anxiety attacks in some first time pregnant women. They might start worrying about the size of their house, the amount of money they are making , about when to tell their employer about their pregnancy ( if the pregnant woman is employed )and the financial implications of their pregnancy like student loans and when to publicly announce the pregnancy. Some women wonder if they will make good parents. Some women always worry if something might go wrong and worry too much about every abdominal pain and wonder why they are not feeling some of the common pregnancy symptoms they see on the internet. Some women will also squeeze their boobs to check if they are still sore. Some of the anxiety might be due to the increase of certain hormones during pregnancy.

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy }

( second trimester of pregnancy )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )
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Friday, November 18, 2016

Trying to get pregnant after 30 and 35

Trying to get pregnant after 30 and 35

Doctors usually say that the best age for women to get pregnant is between 20 to 30 or atmost 35. Some women also feel that they can hear their biological clock ticking louder and louder as they cross 30 years of age. The peak time of fertility in women is around 22 years to 30 years. After 35 years, some doctors might say that pregnancy might result in problems. If a married woman is not pregnant even in her 30's sometimes her women friends / family members will start asking unnecessary  invasive questions like does'nt she know that her ferility is declining with her age, it gets harder with each year , why is she waiting to get pregnant and so on. If somebody openly shares the information  that she is trying to conceive with her friends , she is likely to be constantly badgered by requests for updates , with advice about proper diet, positions for intercourse ,relaxation ( people need to relax conversation ), advice about fertility clinics, enquiries about her period, friends looking at your stomach, and a lot more invasions into her privacy.  

Usually the woman who is ttc ( trying to conceive ) will  try to research and read ( somewhat obsessively ) a lot of stuff about how to ttc , other baby making stuff, baby related stuff etc and will be usually frustated, irritated, sad and angry when her male partner is not as much interested as herself in putting effort into reading and researching about ttc and other similar baby related stuff , and worry that the male is not putting enough effort into ttc and sometimes think that the male partner might be lacking in commitment . The woman who is ttc  ( trying to conceive ) will be daydreaming and looking up baby stuff, might think that the male partner does not have any idea about the diverse needs of  a small baby.Some people will do NTNP ( not trying not preventing ).

When people who are on birth control measures like IUD ( intrauterine device ) / mirena / skyla / paragard try to conceive ( ttc ) , they will have to remove the IUD. Sometimes there might be some complications when the IUD is being removed like embedded IUD, when some edge of the IUD might get stuck in the walls of the uterus and the IUD might be stuck and removal will become harder.Also the doctor might not the able to locate the strings of the IUD . Sometimes the doctor might just numb / dilate the cervix  and pull out the IUD using the strings with forceps. ( Trying to remove the IUD by yourself might cause serious injury

After the birth control is stopped / removed, sometimes the body might take some time to  settle into a normal routine, before the woman can try to use fertility awareness methods ( FAM ) to try to conceive ( ttc ). But this might not be true for all women, as some women have gotten pregnant within 1 to 2 months after removing birth control.( You can get more tips on trying to conceive here. )

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy }

( second trimester of pregnancy )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

( some information about knives )

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

just some info on knives

Have you looked at the knife and meat cleavers used by your butcher. Butcher's knives have more or less the shape of a machete. They have a circular hole at the top near its top. This is usually used for hanging the knife from a hook when the butcher's knife is not in use. It is hung from the knife because a knife is usually only taken down using it's handle and not by the blade. Also a hung knife might not hit anything and lose its sharpness. Smaller knives are placed on a magnetic knife strip on the wall . But a knife used by a butcher cannot be hung from a magnetic knife strip because it is usually much more heavy.

Some butchers sometimes use a rope through the hole as a fulcrum when they want to cut through a thick piece or bone.

Similarly have you seen the knife used by chefs . They sometimes have small holes or uneven sides or serrations. This is to prevent food from sticking to the knife when being used by the chefs.

Some of the knives used in your house may have a triangular piece cut out from the front so that it can also be used as a fork to take a stab at the piece of bread or meat that has just been cut by you.

It is not good to put knives in the dishwasher ( you probably already knew that ! ) It is better to dry up the knives before storing the knives. Here are some of the common storage options for knives.

Be very careful when choosing a magnetic knife strip for you wall. If the magnet is weak, heavier knives might fall off and cause injury. If the magnet is too strong, you might end up damaging the sharp edge of the knife when attaching or detaching the knife from the magnetic knife strip.

You could also store the knives in a knife  holder inside a drawer with suitable storage slots for knives of different sizes, but you might find it difficult finding a holder if you have a larger collection of knives of various shapes and sizes or you could use a counter top knife storage block or under cabinet knife storage block or a stainless steel knife rack if you have the space for that on your counter or on your kitchen wall.

There are different types of knives for different uses.
The tang or the shank of a knife is the portion at the back of the knife which extends into the handle of the knife.
A full tang knife will go the whole length of the handle,  while a partial tang knife will not.

On a lighter vein,there are many superstitions or myths about knives like,  if you want to give a knife as a gift to someone, there are many people who would consider a knife as a gift item to be an item of bad luck and would sever the friendship/relationship. So the friend will usually give you  a small token payment in return for the knife to work around this superstition. Some people also use the saying, stir with a knife and stir up strife in relation to stirring soup or beverages with a knife. Some people talk about  superstitions  about gurkhas that their long  knife (kukri) drawn out of its sheath should not be put back before the knife has drawn blood.

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