Monday, November 28, 2016

stress of ttc or stress of trying to conceive

stress of ttc or stress of trying to conceive

In almost all cultures across the world, there is a urge / craving at some stage in almost all adult women (maternal urge ) (and even in some adult men ) to become a parent, to  pass their genes to the next generation. In some women it might be a feeling that the biological clock is ticking louder and louder and the feeling that she is growing older and less fertile with each passing day, while in some cultures it might be pressure from peers, close relatives etc. In developed nations, the husband and wife or male-female partners might want to wait till they have some kind of financial stability before trying to get pregnant. Even then some people will be worried and wonder if they will make good parents and worry about the financial implications of having a child. Some people will realise the seriousness of their decision to have a child and the hard work associated with raising a new born child to adulthood and that it is basically a one way lane into the unknown with surprising twists and turns, with not much chance of going back to the original state.

Once the partners take the decision to have a child / get pregnant, some decide to just go the way of not trying not preventing ( ntnp ) for some months before starting to actively ttc if ntnp is unsuccessful , while some women will just get into actively ttc ( trying to concieve ) with fertility awareness methods, temping, charting, opk(ovulation prediction kits) etc from the beginning. The number of friends / relatives you have told that you were ttc, exponentially raises  quantity  of free advice you are going to receive about relaxation, various positions which worked for them, raising the legs/hips after the act, putting a pillow under the hips / bum but not raise it too high to prevent semen from pooling behind the cervix  during the period of ttc ,peeing before the act and lying horizontal for at least 20 minutes after the act before going to the loo for a wee etc. especially if you have been ttc for more than half a year.

Temping and charting each day, waiting for the spike in bbt and using opks to try and find the most fertile period and trying to schedule your intimate relationship around that time, trying not to have intercourse (abstaining) for one or two days before the fertile period begins so as not improve the quality / quantity of sperm , will all lead to a loss of the feeling of spontaneity and might slowly reduce the romantic feeling / feeling of closeness between the partners in the relation with your spouse / partner and will slowly start to put stress on the marital relationship. The letter O will start to mean ovulation instead of orgasm. The male partner might feel that the purpose of intercourse is only for the female partner to get his sperm.

In active ttc, especially if the woman is not pregnant even after three or four cycles, her life will seem to be revolving around the predicted ovulation date ( the ovulation predictor kit opk is a early indicator of ovulation while the bbt temperature chart will spike after ovulation). This is used to study the length of the luteal phase ( LP ) ( the time period between ovulation and the next period ) . The temping and charting might start to become more and more  obsessive / compulsive with thoughts about if a baseline is forming or not from around day 8, and then over analyzing each and every dip and rise in temperature, wondering if the crosshairs will form or not, and if she has already ovulated or not. She will spend a lot of time reading up on every symptom she thinks she is having.  She might take multivitamins and folic acid supplements and try to drink enough water to try and be hydrated. There will be a lot of stress around the ovulation day and even more stress during the two week wait when you can test for pregnancy with home pregnancy tests ( hpt ). She might do more temping and wonder if implantation has taken place or not by looking at the spikes and fall in temperature on the chart.

After the two week wait ( tww ), and sometimes even earlier, she will start testing with home pregnancy tests ( hpt ) hoping to get a BFP ( big  fat positive ).During the two week wait she might be wondering if each small ache is a symptom of pregnancy / implantation. During the two week wait, some women will start to regret their not coming off birth control earlier and  having putting off trying to conceive ( ttc )  for a long time especially if the woman is in her early thirties .

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy } ( anxiety in pregnant women ) ( some first trimester problems of pregnant women)

( second trimester of pregnancy ) ( second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )

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