Monday, January 2, 2017

oopsie or accidental pregnancy

oopsie or accidental pregnancy One of the most irritating questions that most pregnant women might have heard (when they announce that they are pregnant) is if their pregnancy was a planned one or if the baby was accidental or if the pregnancy was an oopsie or if the pregnancy was a surprise ? usually this question is faced by pregnant women in their early 20's and also some of the pregnant women above 35 who are pregnant with their third child. Some women carry it a bit further by asking about what they are going to do about the pregnancy (as if the pregnant woman might be considering an abortion) and also might be hinting that they think that the pregnant woman was careless . The people asking such questions are usually looking for gossip or just plain nosy thoughtless immature people who cannot mind their own business and who cannot grasp the idea and serious thought involved in trying to get pregnant and caring for a child . Some close friends might start off the conversation with different versions of "How are you feeling ... ?" , which might be better since it gives the pregnant woman the ability to handle the conversation the way she wants to. One of the worst thing is for a child to have to listen to other people refer to him/her as the result of an oopsie pregnancy or as an accident ( It might make the child think that he / she is unwanted ). Some people might define an accidental pregnancy or an oopsie pregnancy, as a pregnancy which happened in spite of using birth control measures like condoms,IUD's or pills due to the failure of the birth control measures. The failure of the birth control measures might be due to the breakage / leak in the condoms, effect of antibiotics on the chemicals of birth control pills etc., forgetting to take some of the birth control pills causing the messing up of that cycle and possibly the next as well,being overweight / obese, gastric problems, vomiting etc which might affect the absorption of hormones,. Some people also like to refer to such pregnancies as unplanned pregnancies or unintended pregnancy. Some studies show that around 50% of pregnancies might be due to not using birth control measures in the cycle the woman got pregnant while only around 5% of the unplanned pregnancies might be due to failure of the birth control measures. Some of the single mothers will have a hard time coping with unplanned pregnancies. Even happily married women might have to have long discussions with their spouses about unplanned pregnancies, they might have to discuss about the financial aspects, implications on the older siblings if the unplanned pregnancy is a second or third pregnancy etc. Sometimes the parents look for tips on dealing with the problems of the unplanned pregnancy in order to come to terms with the unplanned pregnancy. disclaimer: There is no guarantee about the data/information on this site. You use the data/information at your own risk. You use the advertisements displayed on this page at your own risk.We are not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Some of the links may not work

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